Lower School Teaching Assistant


Lower School Teaching Assistant

Trinity School is searching for a Lower School Teaching Assistant for the 2025-2026 school year. Teacher assistants work closely with the classroom teacher to plan and deliver a Christian education. Assistants provide supervision, support, and training of individual students or groups of students within the regular educational setting, and they assist with daily preparation, instruction, activities, and clean-up of materials as determined by the classroom teacher. Assistants are expected to exercise effective classroom management skills and to seek to establish a caring and supportive environment for pupils on a daily basis. Maintaining a safe learning environment for all students and communicating daily with the classroom teacher are important contributions of Trinity teacher assistants.

Job Description:

  • Serve as a role model of Christian faith and action; interact with students, family, staff in a manner consistent with Biblical values. 
  • To be inside the classroom no later than 15 minutes before students arrive and leave the classroom 30 minutes after the students depart. 
  • Attend all planned school functions: e.g., open houses, in-services, and teacher workdays required for other teaching staff. 
  • Assist the teacher with preparation, instruction, and clean up of materials and activities daily.
  • Support the instructional needs of students by teaching, reteaching, and reviewing academic content in 1:1, small groups, and whole groups.
  • Oversee small group activities that require expertise in the teaching of pre reading skills, reading skills, comprehension and fluency along with math games, mental math practice, and the content and tasks associated with unit studies.
  • Attend training for Lower School faculty that focuses on the “how” of the instructional particulars of the Trinity mission.
  • Oversee recess including the teaching, reviewing, and  supervision of games students play and overseeing conflict management.
  • Participate in the teaching of the “how to be a student” habits that include classroom management practices.
  • Help assess and evaluate each student’s progress daily and quarterly.  
  • Interact with children in ways appropriate to child growth and development.  
  • Carry out supervisory teacher duties in a prompt and reasonable manner when  necessary, as agreed on with the teacher.  
  • Provide technical assistance to the teacher: e.g., filing, recording, and copying.  
  • Be supportive of Trinity School on campus and in the community as well as being loyal and complimentary of administration, staff, and fellow colleagues.  
  • Arrange for a substitute assistant and all details when the assistant must be absent.  
  • Communicate all relevant concerns about students to the teacher. 

Trinity is a highly missional school, and an understanding of and commitment to the school's mission is essential: to educate students in transitional kindergarten to grade twelve within the framework of Christian faith and conviction—teaching the classical tools of learning; providing a rich yet unhurried education; and communicating truth, goodness and beauty.

Located in Durham, North Carolina, Trinity School is a Christian School that values both a rich Christian faith (faculty embrace doctrinal commitments described on Trinity's website) and vibrant academic excellence.

To be considered, qualified candidates should attach a cover letter, resume, and any other supporting documents, such as college transcripts and certifications, to their Trinity application. 

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